Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wanted: a Good Home for Good Art

I completely understand anyone who finds it hard to start purchasing art. First you should somehow define your taste of art –what pleases me, what do I rate being good enough to buy, how to compare different works? After that you should recognise people and places that sell art, find the courage to step into different galleries and shops. And still it might be that when you find a calling piece of art, say a nice painting, the price tag makes you run away and stick to posters available in any market for the rest of your life. Sounds familiar?

I also completely understand any artist who finds it hard to start selling their art. An artist might face exactly the same challenges as a potential art buyer, get confused when trying to find the right people and right places, and end up running away when seeing the price tag -this time it being the price tag of the gallery rent. And end up sticking to painting in the basement with no sales or publicity approach in their mind.

Luckily there is Tartu Loomemajanduskeskus to help! Two times a year the centre is calling for young and unknown artists to bring their works to be introduced in an exhibition that will culminate in to an auction that brings these art makers and art purchasers together. This time the exhibition is called Best Of... and it’s introducing 48 pieces of artwork from 35 different young artists. The amount is great, and it should be said that it is only a fraction of all the works that were offered for exhibition and sales. 

opening the exhibition at LMK
So get your coat, walk to Kalevi street and find a house full of art! Go around, find your favourite(s), show up in Cafe Newton in the new science centre AHHAA on May the 13th at 4 p.m. and get ready to bid! Or if you already feel like you can’t wait a second more to get to see the artwork, you can taste it also here: http://www.lmk.ee/bestof

The auction itself was slightly rehearsed in the opening of the exhibition with the lead of Georg Poslawski and already there the house was filled with excitement and the crowd on the edge of going wild. I take it as a sign that you really don’t want to miss the a(u)ction in Cafe Newton 13th of May! Come and give a good home for good art!
Georg leading the example auction

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